View this post on Instagram Leading Hollywood Men at the Cannes Film Festival in #GiorgioArmani. Leonardo DiCaprio wore Giorgio Armani for the premiere of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' in 2019. Joaquin Phoenix chose to walk the red carpet at the premiere of 'We Own the Night’ in 2007 in Giorgio Armani and Samuel L Jackson in 2006 wore a memorable white tuxedo jacket at one of his many appearances on the Croisette. #BeCannesRewind @festivaldecannes @LeonardoDiCaprio #joaquinphoenix @SamuelLJackson #ArmaniStars A post shared by Giorgio Armani (@giorgioarmani) on May 23, 2020 at 8:15am PDT
Leading Hollywood Men at the Cannes Film Festival in #GiorgioArmani. Leonardo DiCaprio wore Giorgio Armani for the premiere of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' in 2019. Joaquin Phoenix chose to walk the red carpet at the premiere of 'We Own the Night’ in 2007 in Giorgio Armani and Samuel L Jackson in 2006 wore a memorable white tuxedo jacket at one of his many appearances on the Croisette. #BeCannesRewind @festivaldecannes @LeonardoDiCaprio #joaquinphoenix @SamuelLJackson #ArmaniStars
A post shared by Giorgio Armani (@giorgioarmani) on May 23, 2020 at 8:15am PDT