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🕊How did you evolve this year? There’s no better time to reflect on your accomplishments, cherished memories, failures, lessons, relationships that grew or ended, your self love journey I’m not sure how many of you journal or create vision boards, but I want you to take note of how much time you dedicated to yourself this year? I’m aware that isn’t easy or doesn’t seem possible depending on your financial situation, time commitments, pressure from family or to give yourself to supporting your family, maybe you aren’t safe or illness has taken over So so many reasons, but I hope there’s even just one thing you did for you this year - because you deserve it And if it didn’t happen this year, everyday is a new day and a new chance to try and prioritise you (even just for 5 minutes) Stop letting people tell you you can’t, including yourself, because often we are the only ones holding ourselves back This applies to any day of any year to anyone You’ve got this❤️ . And to my partner @philipapayne and our baby Ive got you and we’ve got each other🙏 . . Thank you for this magical shoot @ashleyjophoto @mollyfredenberg @jonmichaelhall @Zoe_sheehy @Lindsaychapinphoto @jennacurran . . . #pregnancy #pregnantbelly #pregnancyphotoshoot #preggo #babybelly #25weekspregnant #babybump #noretouch #nophotoshop #loveyourself
A post shared by Iskra ✨ (@iskra) on Dec 31, 2019 at 4:52pm PST
"Zatímco já se ukazuju těhotná, rozhodně nebudu nahrávat na sociální sítě fotky svého dítěte. Nechci, aby mi jednou vyčetlo, proč jsem jeho život sdílela s ostatními na sociálních sítích," napsala modelka na Instagramu s tím, že o svých pocitech i zkušenostech během výchovy miminka bude informovat i nadále.