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🖤I am really struggling... . thought I’d feel so ready to do a gender reveal. I was already indecisive about whether I wanted to know, and I’m so happy we did and we shared the moment with my dad and mom on FaceTime our close friends on thanksgiving and then yesterday with my english family. But that’s it, I haven’t been able to just text anyone the “news” and certainly don’t feel like I can tell the world. I’ve always been so so vulnerable online sharing about my past BD, ED talked about mental health and shared so so much but this isn’t about me. I might be carrying baby P and until now it’s been about my pregnancy experience but this is their life and even though right now I know what gender the professionals have announced that may not be who my child decides to be and it doesn’t feel right to make a big deal about something so personal to them. So Yup I’m gonna be a party pooper because I never want my child turning around and saying why did you decide to share my life online or make it seem like a public service announcement. And of course I support all my loved ones and peers who have gone and shared with the world I just can’t. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be sharing about my experience on this journey and into motherhood and just like these unretouched pics I want to be real raw with you all and make lots more videos. I appreciate all your support and love so so much❤️ Thank you to @ashleyjophoto and the whole team for this magical shoot I’ll treasure forever🙏 @mollyfredenberg @jonmichaelhall @Zoe_sheehy @Lindsaychapinphoto and yes my undie set is😍 @aerie #aeriereal I’m now a size XL and you can screenshot this image and use the app #liketkit #LTKbump #22weeks #preggo #pregnancydiary #babybelly #nophotoshop

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"Ale nevedl ani k jednomu," řekla. Upravené snímky akorát prohlubovaly její úzkosti a nejistotu ohledně toho, jak vypadá. "Prostě jsem nikdy takhle vypadat nemohla, nešlo to."

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