
Sex symbol Brigitte Bardotová slaví už 90. narozeniny, úchvatné rysy ale zůstávají

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Brigitte Bardot in the 2010's - 2019. This weekend she completes 85 years. In 2014 BB has become a great- grandmother for the first time. Brigitte Bardot wrote her book "Tears of Battle: An Animal Rights Memoir" launched in 2018. She dedicates it to animals and writes of her despair in human beings, whom she says inflict all sorts of evils and sufferings upon them for their own needs, leisure and pleasure. Bardot was the ultimate screen goddess, who gave it all up, dedicating herself to protecting animals for the past 46 years. Now, in a forthcoming memoir, Brigitte Bardot laments the destructive nature of celebrity, saying it suffocated her and robbed her of the ability to go anywhere without being approached by strangers, some of whom wanted to embrace and touch her. “I know what it feels like to be hunted,” she says. She said: “Humans have hurt me. Deeply. And it is only with animals, with nature, that I found peace.” Singling out screen legends such as Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich, who died alone, she said: “The majority of great actresses met tragic ends. When I said goodbye to this job, to this life of opulence and glitter, images and adoration, the quest to be desired, I was saving my life.” ° Most of the book is devoted to animals. She talks extensively about the “unspeakable suffering” to which they are subjected by “man’s barbarism every day”. However, Bardot’s views on animal welfare have led to her being condemned by French courts for anti-Muslim comments, and fined. She faced French judges five times for “incitement to racial hatred” between 1997 and 2008. #brigittebardot #brigitte #bardot #bb #tearsofbattle #lagrimasdecombate #larmesdecombat #recentbrigitte #lamadrague

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