Módní ironie
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A letter to my future self post #selfquarantine YOU! yes YOU! Did you spend your time wisely? Did you get your re-do? All the things you always wanted to do but never had the time. The thing about re-do’s is you are lucky to ever have one in your entire life. So post #stayhome #staysafe #stayalive what will you do different? Will you finally go to bed on time, will you finally work out? will you finally stop saying finally? What we all are is beautiful, imperfect, kind spirited people that mean well and on a daily basis do our best. At least thats what we tell our selves. I have worked everyday 7 days a week on myself, on my business, and on trying to be less harsh to me. I’m focusing on stop hitting walls, (figuratively, not literally) but working till the wee hours of the morning is not bettering me. So future self when you get to ramble and roam - do different, be different, learn different. And yeah, sitting on top of a rock that you have no idea how you got there in a yellow dress, with a massive hat, sounds like a freaking great idea! - Photo credit #pinterest #bestlife #jacquemushat #wonderlust
A post shared by Melinda Fleming 🌎 (@curatedcool) on Apr 21, 2020 at 12:14pm PDT
Žijeme ale v časech, kdy v módě vládne nadsázka. Proto i styl výše zmíněné "paní Jaruš" by se ve světě ujal. Momentálně je ale nejvíc in klobouk obrovský. Hodí se sice na nošení maximálně na Instagram, ale stejně hodně z nás módou žije hlavně virtuálně. Tuto maxi pokrývku hlavy nedávno představil francouzský návrhář Jacquemus a od té doby se stala naprostým hitem internetu.