View this post on Instagram I couldn’t touch my toes, bent knees or not I couldn’t do a down dog without my arms giving out 1 second in I couldn’t do a chaturanaga without falling completely to the floor I couldn’t balance in tree pose or triangle pose I defiantly couldn’t do the splits or a handstand It took me 2 years to figure out how to balance in Pincha Mayurasana And I am still trying to figure out Handstands When I started my practice in 2012 there was very little I could do I had no background for flexibility and my fitness background was manual labour from various industries I worked in I worked very very hard to get the flexibility I have today But the point is that its is POSSIBLE You absolutely can develop flexibility, you don’t need to have it already to start a practice You can develop it at any age Any size Anywhere I would spend about an hour a day practicing, sometimes 2 hours But really any amount of time you spend will make a difference, the more time you spend the quicker results may come The main thing really — is just starting and sticking to it The results will come, you might not notice but trust me things are happening if you stick with it - Threads @aloyogq #aloyoga #hamstringstretch #yogastrong #loveandalliscoming #yogaflexibility #igyoga A post shared by Vanessa Tikaani (@rootedinflowing) on Apr 10, 2020 at 11:16am PDT
I couldn’t touch my toes, bent knees or not I couldn’t do a down dog without my arms giving out 1 second in I couldn’t do a chaturanaga without falling completely to the floor I couldn’t balance in tree pose or triangle pose I defiantly couldn’t do the splits or a handstand It took me 2 years to figure out how to balance in Pincha Mayurasana And I am still trying to figure out Handstands When I started my practice in 2012 there was very little I could do I had no background for flexibility and my fitness background was manual labour from various industries I worked in I worked very very hard to get the flexibility I have today But the point is that its is POSSIBLE You absolutely can develop flexibility, you don’t need to have it already to start a practice You can develop it at any age Any size Anywhere I would spend about an hour a day practicing, sometimes 2 hours But really any amount of time you spend will make a difference, the more time you spend the quicker results may come The main thing really — is just starting and sticking to it The results will come, you might not notice but trust me things are happening if you stick with it - Threads @aloyogq #aloyoga #hamstringstretch #yogastrong #loveandalliscoming #yogaflexibility #igyoga
A post shared by Vanessa Tikaani (@rootedinflowing) on Apr 10, 2020 at 11:16am PDT