
7 triků, jak se oblékat, když máte drobnou postavu: Inspirujte se Instagramem

Vysoký pas

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Guys, Tom and I left Geneva on the 31/05 last year, then went to Paris for a pit stop and on the 5th of June, so a year ago today, we hopped on the Eurostar and went straight from St Pancras to Brixton to sign the lease of the first @bighair_nocare pop-up! Launching the brand was totally accidental (@tom_harrel got a job offer in Geneva and I had just launched my #SheUnleashed workshops, I needed something I could set up quickly to run from there in case everything else took a toll with the distance) opening a shop even more: I just wanted an office, and where I could ship our stock from because our fulfilment partners were a total JOKE, so I visited an office but I don't know why I then asked to see their retail space and went hey, let's have a shop! It was never planned or even researched, so last summer was total chaos as a result lol, the most challenging times I've lived! But last night, 364 days later, we landed in NYC and this week we're about to open our first USA pop-up (and launching our USA website 🎉), after having done Paris in March! What a bloody year does!!!! * I've told you in another #SheUnleashed #FreddieMusings post that you need to scam yourself first, make up these internal resources you think you don't have yet and they'll come to you. This week, for every negative thought about yourself, tell yourself, I'm actually taking a bet on myself this week, and my resources and talents are unlimited 🙏🏾 then see where it takes you 😜

A post shared by Frédérique Harrel (@freddieharrel) on

Ať už se rozhodnete pro kalhoty, nebo sukni, volte vždy variantu s vysokým pasem. Jednoduše proto, že ženám nižšího vzrůstu prokazuje velkou službu. V případě, že si vyberete kalhoty s vysokým pasem, se vám nabízí řada variant: široké kalhoty, s rozšířenými nohavicemi i rovně střižené džíny.

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