
Ženské tělo plné svalů? Podívejte se na nejsledovanější fitness dámy Instagramu

Guusje Van Geelová

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These are the questions I receive the most every month. Let’s start with the fact that EVERY body is different, EVERY body has a different manual. I will answer these questions down below for you guys. 🙏🏽 - How did you become so muscular? I used to be a gymnast when I was younger and I never stopped doing sports. Also my parents taught me to eat healthy since the beginning (I started with gymnastics at 6 and trained 28 hours a week) As I said, I never stopped doing sports. After my gymnastics career I started doing fitness, I did that multiple days a week and train(ed) REALLY heavy (with good form of course) - How is this even possible? HEAVY lifting, doing cardio, trying to eat as healthy as possible and consuming a lot of protein. - I think you can’t look like this without using steroids? You are using some right? Bullshit, of course you can you just need to dedicate yourself and work HARD. I would never ever use anything like that because I’m WAYYY to protective over my body and I’ve always been happy with the way I look. (Watch my first q&a on instagram tv if you’d like to know more) - What do you eat in a day because I think I need to try that? Just HEALTHY!! I used to track my nutrition for 2 years when I started with fitness and I’ve learned a lot by doing that. Now I just know what works for my body. I like to eat healthy & cheat from time to time and I think you need to if you’d like to stick to a normal happy lifestyle which you can actually maintain. So every day looks different food wise, I always make sure to eat enough protein so I don’t loose the little glutes I have 🤪 and I make sure I eat enough. - My favourite/daily healthy products are: - Quark - Eggs - Wraps - Tuna - Salmon - Shrimps - Veggies - Red fruit smoothies - Chicken salads - Yoghurt - Rice crackers - My tip: learn to combine the products you’re eating. - How are you ALWAYS in shape? Haha I’m not always like in this photo and I don’t want too!!!! 😂 I really love to look the way I do in this picture but I wouldn’t be able to cheat as much as I do normally so for me It’s not worth it.. it’s all about balance 🤷🏼‍♀️❤️

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Nizozemská youtuberka a influencerka Guusje Van Geelová má 515 tisíc sledujících. 

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